Rap and Old English language studies: A match made in literary heaven.

In my recent research for a paper on using Cædmon’s Hymn as a case study on the transformations that inhere in the remediation of Old English poetry, I came across what I consider to be an exciting development in the way educators approach teaching Old English.

I wanted to explore the extent to which Old English has penetrated social networking and online media, finding that Modern adaptions of Cædmon’s Hymn poem, coupled with modern modes of access allow the oldest known English poem to transcend temporal boundaries and remain relevant for the current generation of beginners in Old English studies. Old English texts are transforming in sync with a constantly changing society, modernising and adapting to our digital, contemporary world. The most substantial evidence I
could find of this was my study of the relationship between Old English and YouTube.

YouTube shows us several examples of educators rapping Old English and it is visible that every student is engaged and excited about the class. One could argue that this particular form remediation shows the versatility of the Old English language and its ability to be transformed and remain current. The use of modern rap is, in my opinion, an innovative and effective way to encourage students to engage with Anglo-Saxon studies, introducing them to Old English in an amusing fashion.

Further study shows that students are also taking to YouTube and using rap as a means of learning about Anglo-Saxon society. The results, though funny, are very encouraging as to the future of Old English and Anglo-Saxon studies. Watching students and teachers together exploring modern ways to engage in the past sends a message of hope that Old English studies can remain both current and exciting in modern society.

Below I have attached links to an example of an educator and an example of a student using modern media in their exploration of the Old English Language which I encourage you all to enjoy!


Here are two US students who use rap to remember important dates, rulers, and texts from the Anglo-Saxon period.


This next one shows one teacher rapping Old English which her students beatbox and hype in the background. This is a really nice clip of students enjoying and engaging with an Old English class.


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